Friday, January 1, 2016


    We are super excited to see 1000 views to our blog. We are super thankful for your support and views. Granted, we have only received about 15 orders, but we are confident that that number will increase. In this new year, 2016, we are hopin to start a couple of new things. In a couple days we start an email where you will be able to contact us if you need help with your blasters. The world of modding can be difficult at times and we hope to guide you along the way. More updates about that will be posted soon.  I would say please like and subscribe but this is not YouTube ;) See you later!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Modification Techniques

    As this company is very new, I can understand how people might question the quality and reliability of our commissions. If that is you than get ready for your proof.
    As most people know, Nerf guns are mostly divided into two main groups: Springer and Electrical. Springers are powered by a spring that causes the boltsled to rush forward, pushing air through the chamber and propelling the dart. The upgraded springs we usually use are OrangeModWorks upgrade springs. Occasionally we will get a weird order in which we need a different spring other than ones available on that website. These springs are great but occasionally can cause issues with your blaster. We put commissioned blaster through rigorous tests including: repeated dry firing, range tests, and repeated firing to ensure the blaster is perfect.
 Electrical blasters are powered by volts from batteries which activate the flywheels. The dart is then pushed through the flywheels and propelled outward. With these blasters we usually upgrade batteries or motors. The upgraded batteries we use are Ultrafire batteries in the 14500 size. These particular batteries are the best in my opinion for this hobby. They provide and extra voltage boost without burning out the motors. Also, they are better than 9v because they have a very insignificant voltage sag. If you want information about the motors we use, email us because we don't want to blast our source on the Internet.
Thank you for your support, see you later!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

New Blaster

    Hey guys, this is a modded and painted Nerf Rampage. This gun is already one of my favorite spring powered blasters, and I just made it better.
    On the inside, I drilled out the Air Restricter, took out all of the locks, upgraded the springs (regular stock spring and catch spring), tightened the air seal, and re-lubricated all moving parts. These mods are pretty beneficial to the efficiency, and overall feel to the blaster. After the mods, I am getting about 10-15 feet more range than stock, and much better accuracy.
    On the outside, I started with two black base coats. The internals are painted however, I left the internal moving pieces orange. After this, I added a grey "speckle." This gives the blaster a camouflage aspect to it. The handle is the exact opposite, grey with black speckle. On top of this I added two coats of clear coat to lock in the colors. Here are some pictures: 

   This individual blaster is 80$. If you like what you see, email me at and we can make one just for you based on your own personal specifications.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Youtube Channel

Hello TactiCreations Fans! 

      I just recently started a Youtube channel to showcase the blasters that I've commissioned or will make in the future. This channel is basically for anyone who needs more than pictures to see the quality of my work. The link is right HERE so please check it out and share it with your friends. It really means a lot and I appreciate it more than you can understand. I will be posting videos about once a month until I get decent traffic, then I will post weekly. 
     See you later! 
                                                                                                  - Josiah

Friday, December 11, 2015

First Sale!

Hey guys. Yesterday, December 11, TactiCreations had its first sale! After being online for about 2 weeks, we sold a Nerf Retaliator, painted and modified. As they say, the first sale is the most important sale of a business' lifetime. However, the other ones are pretty important too. For one week, in honor of our first sale, all blasters (including commission) are under 100$ dollars. Take advantage of this killer sale and check us out on Etsy and YouTube. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at or comment below.

Etsy  Webstore:

Monday, December 7, 2015

I was looking at some of the pictures that I posted earlier and noticed that they were very poor quality so I took some new ones. Please comment if you see anything you like or don't like. Enjoy!

Saturday, December 5, 2015


 I've seen that on Facebook, YouTube, and other Social Media, lots of people have been wondering what a commission is and how to get it.
A commission is when you contact someone, like us, and tell them what kind of blaster you want (e.g. Retaliator, Rampage, Firestrike, ect.) Tell them what kind of internal modifications you want (e.g. None, Air Restrictor removal, spring upgrade, lubricant, ect.) And/Or paint job (e.g. Red with grey accents, Blue and Green, black, ect.) Of course it won't be this vague, but this is just a basic overview of what it might look like.
To get one all you have to do is email us at
Prices vary. Unlike other commissioners like Jlcustomcreations, or Mag212, we are not expensive or hard to reach. If you want a paint job expect about 20-25$ more than the blaster. For example, a Nerf Retaliator is about 25$, with a paint job it will be about 45$. If you want internal modifications, expect about 20$ more than the blaster.
Other things like integrations or minimizations largely vary so I can't really give you an estimate until I know what you want. If you don't know exactly what this means feel free to be simple. You could just say "I want an alpha trooper painted orange and purple that shoots harder." From this simple description we can determine which mods you need and which ones you don't. As always 5% of all of our profits go towards charities around the world.
Please share this page with all of your friends so we can grow bigger and better. All comments are read so feel free to test us:)